BarelyFitz Designs :
BarelyFitz can design logos, graphics, and promotions for your website.
Client: Hewlett-Packard Company
Logo for a family of security products, rendered in 3-D. This was based on an existing 2-D logo, and enhanced with 3-D graphics techniques such as texture mapping, transparency, and lighting.
Logo for a security product, rendered in 3-D. This was based on an existing 2-D logo, and enhanced with 3-D graphics techniques such as texture mapping, lighting, and animation.
Logo for a Linux security product. This was based on the standard Linux penguin logo, with a suit of armor to indicate the security of the product.
Logo for a Linux security product, rendered in 3-D. This logo was modeled and rendered in 3-D using texture mapping, reflection, and lighting.
Graphic for a web page.
Client: Skeptical Inquirer Magazine
Logo for a monthly web column.
Logo for a web service.
BarelyFitz offers a full range of print services.