BarelyFitz Designs :


picture of a fake eyeball

Want to get your hands on some crazy delicious Web 2.0 venture capital, but don't have mad AJAX skills? If you can copy and paste, you too can have a website that looks oh-so two thousand and six!

Simply use our framework to display content on your site, and we'll do the rest.

AJAX Go NOW! ← click this a few times

Don't worry about XML or JSON because our technology doesn't even communicate with your web server! It's that advanced!

Using our patent-pending techniques, we'll display what is known as an "animated G I F". This is a powerful cue to let the user know "hey, this is AJAX!". Within seconds your site will be deluged by users from digg and, guaranteed*!

For a few thousand dollars, this technology can be yours, and for a limited time we will throw in design services with extra curved borders, gradients, and reflections. An additional ten thousand buys you some craptaculous animated effects.

* This guarantee will not be honored after April 12, 2006.