BarelyFitz Designs :

Case Study

Abstracting Colors for Hewlett-Packard Company

At one time, each division within Hewlett-Packard Company exercised complete autonomy in the design of its site. I oversaw the Internet Security products, and here is my website header from 1998:

Example header for the old HP Internet Security website

A work of art, I know, but unlike any other part of the HP website.

In 2001, HP performed a massive consolidation and redesign of its web sites.

The Color Choices

The design team produced a color palette with strictly defined color choices. First the primary colors were chosen:

In addition to defining the colors, the design team determined which colors could go together. Each page could use two of the primary color sets.

Warm Colors


Cool Colors


Contrasting Colors


Abstracting the Colors

Since this was before the time when CSS was widely supported, I knew these color codes would be scattered throughout my website, so I decided to convert my site to PHP and abstract as much of the new design as possible. This required a lot of hard work, but proved to be the right decision, because subsequent redesigns were easier to implement.

My first step was to create a data structure for all of the color choices:

$hpColor = array(

'grey01' => array(
  'a' => 'e6e6e6',
  'b' => 'cccccc',
  'c' => '666666'),
'blue01' => array(
  'a' => '66ccff',
  'b' => '3399cc',
  'c' => '006699'),
'blue02' => array(
  'a' => '99ccff',
  'b' => '6699cc',
  'c' => '336699'),
'green01' => array(
  'a' => '99cccc',
  'b' => '669999',
  'c' => '336666'),
'green02' => array(
  'a' => 'cccc99',
  'b' => '999966',
  'c' => '666633'),
'brown01' => array(
  'a' => 'ffcc99',
  'b' => 'cc9966',
  'c' => '996633'),
'brown02' => array(
  'a' => 'ffcc66',
  'b' => 'cc9933',
  'c' => '996600'),
'orange01' => array(
  'a' => 'ffcc66',
  'b' => 'ff9900',
  'c' => 'ff6600'),
'orange02' => array(
  'a' => 'ff9966',
  'b' => 'cc6633',
  'c' => '993300'),
'red01' => array(
  'a' => 'ff9999',
  'b' => 'cc6633',
  'c' => 'cc3333'),
'red02' => array(
  'a' => 'ffcccc',
  'b' => 'cc9999',
  'c' => '996666'),


Next I defined the acceptable color combinations. Although I didn't use these data structures, they were a useful reference.

$hpColorWarm = array(

array('brown01',  'brown02'),
array('brown01',  'red01'),
array('brown02',  'red02'),
array('brown01',  'orange01'),
array('brown02',  'orange02'),
array('orange01', 'orange02'),
array('brown01',  'orange02'),
array('brown02',  'red01'),
array('orange01', 'red01'),
array('orange02', 'red01'),
array('orange02', 'red02'),
array('orange01', 'red02'),


$hpColorCool = array(

array('blue01',  'green01'),
array('blue02',  'green01'),
array('green01', 'green02'),
array('blue01',  'green02'),
array('blue02',  'green02'),


$hpColorContrasting = array(

array('blue01',  'brown01'),
array('blue02',  'brown01'),
array('green01', 'brown01'),

array('blue01',  'brown02'),
array('blue02',  'brown02'),
array('green01', 'brown02'),

array('blue01',  'orange01'),
array('blue02',  'orange01'),
array('green01', 'orange01'),

array('blue01',  'orange02'),
array('blue02',  'orange02'),
array('green01', 'orange02'),

array('blue01',  'red01'),
array('blue02',  'red01'),
array('green01', 'red01'),

array('blue01',  'red02'),
array('blue02',  'red02'),
array('green01', 'red02'),

array('green02', 'brown01'),
array('green02', 'brown02'),
array('green02', 'orange01'),

array('green02', 'red01'),
array('green02', 'red02'),
array('green02', 'orange02'),


Finally, I picked the colors that I would use for my website. To add a little variety, I picked one primary color (blue) and two highlight colors that could be switched on different pages.

$color = array(

1 => $hpColor['blue02'],
2 => $hpColor['brown02'],
3 => $hpColor['brown01'],

To access the colors, I used a PHP variable like this:

Final Analysis

Abstracting the colors allowed me to:

screenshot of hp security website


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