
Want to get your hands on some crazy delicious Web 2.0 venture capital, but don't have mad AJAX skills? If you can copy and paste, you too can have a website that looks oh-so-two-thousand-and-six!

Web Data Encoder
Use this form to encode URL strings or data to pass through the Internet. Supports the following encoding methods: javascript escape, unescape, encodeURI, decodeURI, encodeURIcomponent, decodeURIcomponent.

CSS Colors: Take Control Using PHP
Use PHP to generate a palette of colors and automatically adjust your foreground colors to make them readable.

Syndicating Web Content Using JavaScript
A whitepaper licensed under the Creative Commons, describing the pros and cons and methods of using JavaScript to syndicate content across numerous websites. Also describes an easy way syndicate your existing HTML content using one line of PHP.

JavaScript Slideshow
Add interactive picture slideshows to your web pages or eBay auction listings. The web wizard makes it easy!

Filter Large Select Lists
If you have a very large HTML SELECT list, finding the correct item can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. For example, if you have a list of a couple hundred names, finding a single one can be difficult. This article describes a JavaScript technique technique for filtering the items in a select list so that only the matching items are shown, making it much easier to locate the desired item.

Truncate HTML Text with JavaScript Automatically
Truncate a paragraph automatically using JavaScript and add an ellipsis at the end that expands the paragraph back to full length.

Tab Interface with HTML and JavaScript Automatically
Create a fancy tabbed interface automatically with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Plug-and-play unobtrusive JavaScript means your page will look good on screen and on paper.

Verify / Notify for Duplicate Fields
This article describes a JavaScript technique to notify the user when the passwords in two text fields match (and more importantly, when they don't match).

MailServ Mailing List Gateway
Add a web interface for your mailing list management server (majordomo, listserv, or many others). This is very old!